
Health & Wellness: Aeriq Mcnayre Wants You To Look Great At 44

Los Angeles, CA–

Health and wellness is very important and Aeriq Mcnayre understands how incorporating fitness into your everyday routine can help you to feel and look your best as you grow older. Mcnayre wants to share his knowledge and has founded Simply44 to motivate people in Los Angeles to engage in fitness and lead healthy lives.

Why is fitness important to you? When did you first get involved?

“Fitness is very important to me because it keeps me vibrant, active and healthy. Ive always worked out even as a young boy playing football at Palisades high school.”

Does working out help with getting older? In what ways?

“Even though I welcome the fact that I’m getting older, working out puts me in a position to age gracefully.”

What services do you offer?

“I inspire and motivate people through fitness. I highlight stories of triumph and fun stories of perseverance to encourage others.”

Why do people like working with you?

“People like working with me because I bring great energy and intentionally navigate on a vibration that attracts positive energy.”

How important is social media in what you do? Does it help reach more people?

“Social media is the heartbeat of my media. Social media is the only platform I have at this time.. With social media I can change lives all the way across the country or even on the other side of the world.”

How would you describe your content?

“I go around interviewing ordinary people doing ordinary things while highlighting fitness in ALL forms. I work with different people and we workout together to inspire those that watch our videos.”

What Would You Like People To Know About You?

“I’d like to say that I am inspired by the people that I aim to inspire. There are so many triumphant stories right here in Los Angeles that deserve to be highlighted to inspire others. I’m taking it upon myself to bring these stories to the masses.”

How can people reach you?

“My Instagram is @simply_44 and people can reach me directly at ae*****@gm***.com

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